Tamiya Item No. 61047-2500.
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I was given this kit. It's not something I would have thought to buy for myself.
I may have done some aircraft models in my boyhood, but I've done none in adulthood, so I have effectively no experience with aircraft models. They look to me to be a whole nother world from the automobiles and trucks that I'm accustomed to.
It looks to me that painting an aircraft model would be a challenging bit of business. I'm not sure I can afford an airbrush outfit, so I may have to fall back on brush painting, which doesn't really appeal to me. We'll see.
Anyway, on with breaking out components, trimming them, test fitting them and organizing them into numbered and named bins per the plan's construction sequence.
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An Observation -- SUNDAY, APRIL 5, 2020
1/48 scale components are tiny! I'm in awe of anyone who is skilled at dealing with such things.
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A Snag: Items A27 And A28 In Step 6 -- Attaching Flaps
Items A27 and A28 each have nubs on them that are supposed to mate with dimples on the wing undersurface. There are no dimples.
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Set Aside
Given my current skillset, I'm in no way capable of building and painting this model. I'll set it aside for now.
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