Following are a few notes regarding the model's construction.
Re 'SnapTite' Construction
Much if the model employs a pin-and-socket 'SnapTite' joinery method. Paint introduces a complication, in that paint on pins and in sockets tends to interfere with fit. Often, pins need to be scraped, and/or sockets need to be reamed in order to reestablish fit.
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Fuel Tank Pins And Sockets
The fuel tank halves are meant to be assembled by way of pin-and-socket connections. Each tank incorporates three such connections.
The sockets are too shallow to accept the pins. Drill out the sockets with a No. 55 (0.052") drill, and the connections will go together fine.
Rear wheels
The spacers, item 51, seem to introduce a wobble to the wheels. One can minimize the effect by nudging the tires about, but one can't get the wheels perfectly true.
Air Cleaners
These are very similar to the fuel tanks, and suffer from a similar, though not quite as severe, problem. Drill out the sockets with a No. 55 (0.052") drill.
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Decal Disappointment -- FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 2020
I like what decals do for a model, but I don't much like applying them. The decal set has an elaborate 'lightning bolt' scheme that I quite liked the looks of, and wanted to apply. However, I could not get the large lightning bolts for the sides of the sleeper to work out. The decals seemed to be oversize for the space available for them, and the decals' 'laciness' defied my attempts to get them in place flat and true. I had to abandon the attempt.
I did apply some of the lightning bolt decal set in a very abbreviated manner. The result is not bad, and will have to do. Anyway, here's the finished model.
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